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Reproduction in Hamsters

hamster pups reproduction

Hamsters get fertile at different ages depending on the species they belong to; Hamsters can get pregnant at the age of 4 to 8 weeks, as few are fertile at the age of 4 weeks, some at 6 weeks and all are at 8 weeks. Usually, it’s recommended for them not to breed before they are 4 months old and after the first gestation, they should breed after 7-9 months.

Male Syrian Hamster becomes fertile around 10-14 weeks old, whereas female Syrian hamster is fertile by 6-10 weeks old. One gestation can produce 4-12 Hamsters. The life of a female Syrian Hamster can shorten if she has multiple gestations; Syrian Hamsters are fertile for 12 months.

Roborovski Hamsters are fertile at 4-5weeks. The gestation can produce 3-5 hamsters. It is recommended for them not to conceive until females is 3-4 months old and males 2-3 months of age. The gestation period for Roborovski Hamsters is 18-21 days.

Chinese dwarf Hamsters are fertile at the age of 6-8weeks. However, they should not breed until they are 4 months old. The gestation period is 23-30days.

When the pregnancy is over the male and the female should be separated, the gestation takes a lot of energy from the female, and getting pregnant immediately after one can have serious repercussions on her health.

Don’t disturb the nest at the time of gestation and provide some privacy at the time when the female is giving birth to her pups. After the period of delivery let the female take care of all her pups because if you make noise or otherwise disturb them the female is going to eat the pups out of fear to save them from any threat.

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